Injury Attorney Geofencing

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(855) 968-2242

What if a high percentage of those who need an injury attorney in your area CALLED YOU FIRST?
Would that be an advantage that would benefit you?
What if you could try  it free first to make sure it works for you?

Injury Attorneys, Let Us Geofence Your Local Hospital and ER

We will run ads to cover the geographic area of your selected local hospital, offering online ads that appear as the injured, sickened and family members sit and wait, scrolling through their phones. 
The ads will ask them, “How much is your injury case worth?” or “Injured and need someone to help protect your rights?”
This will seem like “serendipity” and they will click….and be directed to your website for help. 
And we will only work with one attorney per hospital. If you want info on cost and getting started, let us know!

**Ask about being on first page of Google
**We also build new websites

ER 3

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is where we use latitude and longitude coordinates to run ads to a specific small location, like a hospital, it’s emergency room and parking lot. This reaches those MOST LIKELY to need your services as an injury attorney, or family members who are passing time waiting with the victim, and of course everyone is on their phone. So let’s advertise to those people who need you!

What do the ads say?

We will consult with you, of course, but generally we are trying to GET THEM TO YOUR WEBSITE, so we use generic, billboard type messages to grab their attention at EXACTLY the right time, while they are vulnerable and at the hospital. 
We leave it up to your website for the final persuasion to have them call or email you for a consultation. 

How do we use retargeting?

Retargeting is where we place a small pixel code on their device at the time they visit your website. This is automatic and it doesn’t matter if they found your website through our ads or by other means. It re-markets them over and over, reminding them about your law firm!
Since retargeting ONLY reaches those who have been to your website, they are most likely to be persuaded to go ahead and take action to contact you. 

Your potential client arrives at the hospital or emergency room, along with family members or friends, in most cases. They check in, and wait in the lobby, or they get called back quickly. Either way, they are very likely to be passing time scrolling through their cell phones. We fashion ads to reach them on their phone as they move from website to website or app to app passing the time. The ads will grab their attention because they pertain to the exact situation they are currently facing–needing an injury or negligence attorney to help them navigate the precarious situation just ahead. 
Please note: We will only run ads for one attorney per hospital and we will be completely dedicated to making your results the best they can be. 

Accident or incident occurs, proceed to hospital

Arrive at hospital emergency room, and wait

While waiting, pass the time by scrolling websites and social media

See an advertisement that seems to speak directly to the current need, an injury attorney or monetary help with injury

Click on advertisement and end up at your website

Whether they book the free consultation with you or not, a pixel code is placed on their browser so that they receive follow-up advertising “reminders” several times per day, reminding  that they were at your website and you still want to help.
These retargeting ads will last for 1-4 weeks, depending on how long you want it to run, 

Sign contract to represent your new client’s case

Do you want our geofencing service? It’s easy!